Sharing a lifelong passion for history, writing and teaching

On West Buckland School

I have been the archivist for West Buckland school in North Devon for over 20 years. During this time I have published several books on the school, lectured on the subject and, over the years, appeared in the press and on television in this capacity.

If you want to learn more, visit the Old West Buckland Association and take a look at our website.

It’s been an immense privilege and joy to contribute to the history of the school and, of anyone who has any connection at all with the school, my books may provide an interesting distraction. I hope you enjoy them.

Visit my Amazon page to view all the West Buckland books

Over the years, I’ve often been asked to give talks and assemblies to the school. Here are just a few of the talks and lectures that have been inspired by the school.

And do please look at the work of the Old West Buckland Association, with lots of great articles, newsletters and links to fascinating stories and tales of the school in years gone by.

2 responses

  1. Dear Clive,
    I have only just seen this (long story – lockdown, school closure, dilatoriness, ignorance, etc.). Anyway, thank you for your help. We now have a definite lead.
    As you are already on the trail, do you wish or plan to get out your magnifying glass and pursue it and write to Mr. Watson, or do you want to leave it to me? I don`t mind either way. (Remember what I said in my Youtube talk: find a photo, and we can put you up beside it with a small plaque all to yourself.)
    I note your dates at the school. I am not an old boy myself, but my dates of schooling are almost exactly the same as yours – 1944 to 1952. I was at Kingston Grammar School.
    The email address here is my private one. I also have a WB Archivist address, which you can use as this is a Archive matter. My school email is
    bmc@westbuckland. com Because of lockdown plans – or rather ‘unlockdown’ plans – I shall not be in school till the 15th September, so write to whichever address you prefer.
    While you are considering, you may like to look at other Youtube talks I have put up about WB history, and several others about general history. With best wishes. Yours sincerely,
    Berwick Coates

  2. Dear Clive,
    Yes, it is the same family. My brother Tim (now living in California) changed his name to Quartly-Watson, and his son Toby is another Quartly-Watson.

    I have just received a letter from Berwick Coates and I’ll consult with my siblings and we will revert. This brought your message to my attention. Many thanks for making the connection.

    My sister – Jane Watson now Jane McNeilly – has been following up the family history. We have a very complete family tree of the Quartly side going back to 1592 and quite a lot of research was done by Basil Watson, one of William Watson’s son’s (born 1885) who moved to the USA and wrote a family history in 1969. Francis Quartly of Molland bred the Red Devon cattle in the early 19th century. Some Watson’s – including my grandfather Alan Watson – stayed in (north) Norfolk following the move across by William Watson. We also have some family heirlooms including early bicycle race plate given as a prize. Not sure about a photograph of William Watson though!

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Berwick Coates